Develop Greater Global Trade Powers with APIs
Flexport APIs give you the data to connect everyone in the Flexport Platform—or your ERP.
Get Started With Our Tutorials
Tutorials curated to guide you through optimizing your supply chain for more powerful outcomes.
Automate the creation of booking requests, list your bookings, and retrieve the details.
Carbon Calculation
Calculate your carbon emissions from logistics. The Flexport API is accredited by the SFC, so you can put results in context and optimize future shipments.
Commercial Invoices
Create, update, and retrieve your commercial invoices for faster, more accurate customs clearances and landed cost calculations that take everything into account.
Post and retrieve more than 35 vital logistics document types in minutes or less, using document endpoints.
Freight Invoices
Retrieve a list of all invoices and filter by status, shipment, client ID, invoice number, and issue date by exact date or range.
Manage products in tandem with the Flexport Product Library. Create, retrieve, update, and delete products.
Purchase Orders
Automate your purchase order lifecycle in the Flexport Platform. Get a list of all POs, see specific PO details, and create, update, and archive orders.
Get detailed insights into all shipments. Track SKUs, containers, and shipments. See all shipment milestones on demand.